Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another Open Source Example

Location Bug

On the iPad and iPhone, there is a location gathering technique that tracks the places of usage. Apple claims to be fixing this "bug" soon but the users are already are creating a problem. An unencrypted file stored in these devices constantly records your location. An open source application was used to plot the data that the reporter who wrote this articles phone recorded. There have already been lawsuits against apple because of this "bug".

What do you think about this? Is it wrong? right? Does Apple have the right to do this?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Shallows

In the first reading of The Shallows by Nicholas Carr, I got hung up on one point that he commented on that McLuhan made. It said "In the long run a medium's content matters less than the medium itself in influencing how we think and act." (Carr 3). I had never thought about it in this way. Does the programming really effect us or is it the technology itself? McLuhan makes the point that it is the technology rather than the program that effects us.

It kind of makes me think on the scale of what we have been talking about all year. The medium's content can blind us and the blame gets put onto the content and not the technology as a whole. An example that I think of when I read this is when I was a kid watching stupid television shows and my mother yelling at me saying how if i continued to watch this crap my brain would turn to mush. It makes me think now whether it was the crappy television programming I was watching or whether its the television in general.

This point is very interesting and I am intrigued by it. This book seems like it is less dense than other books we have read so far this semester. It is an easier read because of the lack of techy terms I feel. Looking forward to reading the rest.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Final Exam/Final Paper

As I'm writing my second paper I was looking through the syllabus and realized that we have a final exam and the 15 page self reflection still to do after this. I was thinking of a change.

A thought I have was for the self assessment why is there a mandatory number of pages? I believe that someone should assess themselves as they see fit whether that is 5 pages or 15 pages it should be up to the student since it is an assessment about their semester. Thoughts?

Also I think an in class final exam would be ridiculous. The time and energy spent on the midterm was so above and beyond what I think anyone ever imagined so I can only think the final would be the same way. Having this paper the self assesment and a final exam all within 2 weeks seems absurd...


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Class 4/19

So today was an interesting presentation to say the least. I honestly knew very little about wikileaks before today and I still really cannot decide how I feel about it. I understand the argument that was coming from both sides and I honestly am sitting on the fence.

However with this said I hate losing and want to argue for my side...

Is nonsense like this found on wikileaks?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


In class today when we got onto the topic of idolizing celebrities, I think my true point got lost. We were talking about the absolute extremes, people such as Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber who are so out of touch with their followers and have people tweeting for them. Then the other extreme was us. Who gives a shit what I tweet about right?

These are by no means the people that I was talking about idolizing. The people that I was mentioning caring about what they have to say are athletes who actually have a talent and care for their team and organization. REAL ROLE MODELS.

With that said I don't claim to know much about news, technology, or anything else, but I do know sports.

One example that I would like to give is a trade that happened at the trade deadline this year in the NBA. Kendrick Perkins a member of the Boston Celtics was traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Celtics are a team that are known for the way they build a family, care for other players, and want to win. When Perkins found out that he was being traded, he tweeted that he was upset about having to leave his family, best friends, team members, and coworkers like this. A fellow member of the Celtics who was traded mentioned how upon learning the news of the trade they both cried, cried, and cried some more. People like this who a positive role models and truly care about what they do and how they do it are the people that I was talking about in class.

This example is a million times different than me giving a shit what Lady Gaga has to say on twitter. I do not follow her and never will. I care about people who care about what they do.

Yes I am envious of their life styles and would do anything to be a professional athlete. Some are spoiled little bitches and I do not look up to people like that (such as Terrell Owens). But there are middle of the road people who do the right things and just flat out care about winning. These are people that I was talking about in class.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Class 3/31/11

I enjoyed the presentation from class the other day. At first it seemed as if it was going to be just a powerpoint with zero interaction from the class, then the debate opened up. That was a fun way for the class to get involved and who doesn't love a little competition. I hate losing and yes it sucked to be on the losing team but it was a good job by the other team and the group presenting.