Thursday, February 3, 2011

Question from class - 2/3

My question from discussion today that we didn't get to answering was...

Lanier wrote about the power music has on people. Then he continues on to say that the industrialized world of today, has caused the reinvention of life through music to have stopped. Do you find that to be true?

Let me know!


  1. In a sense I agree with Lanier because if you look at music today compared to way back when; music today has no meaning, it has become so commercialized that it has become nothing more than an outlet to make money. So Lanier is right when he says that the reinvention of life through music is no more.

  2. Yeah I agree with what your saying for the majority of music. However, some genre's and artists I believe still make meaningful music. An example of one genre would be country I think (that doesn't mean I like it though haha. I thoroughly despise country music). The music I think tells a powerful story in a lot of cases and is reminiscent of older music groups.

  3. It depends on how everyone interprets it. Lanier is having a problem on the commercialization of music because of the advancement of technology. However, each generation treats it differently. Those from the 19th century will be making the same argument as Lanier. I listen to every genre and I don't have any problems with it. I just think each genre interprets life differently. Isn't that supposed to be the greatness of art?
